Song Interpretations

The lyrics of Addonexus are vague enough to have several interpreations but each song has a meaning. Here is a list of the songs and what they talk about.

  • Damnation: Most likely the most straight forward song we have damnation is about nuclear war destroying our world and society. As far fetched as it sounds this is a real possibility. If one nation launches a nuclear war head then the other will most likely follow causing a chain of bombs destroying us all. Mankind are as animalistic as they ever were its just that they use bigger and better versions of sticks and stones to kill each other.

  • Oblivion: This is the most vague of our songs with more then one meaning. The first verse describes how the music scene can be competitive and how metal can push past accessibility. Thre second verse describes how bad political leaders only have power becasue no one does anything to stop it (a.k.a) vote. Lastly the pre chorus and chorus describe how we are all desensitised and slipping into nothing. This song can be interpreted either way and its up to the listener to decide which way they listen to the song.

  • Altering Reality: This song deals with the way biased news corporations can manipulate and alter the news to their advantage. Most people who watch the news will believe most of what they hear and most of the time its only half the truth. A pro republican channel will only take stories that can benefit their cause and ignore anything that goes against it the same goes for a pro democrat channel. They tell the truth but ignore the facts and through this their altering reality.

  • Mask of Illusion: This song is about how society and the media create such a high expectation of how people are suppost to look it creates a generation of people who are shallow and live in vanity. Take the concepty of a beauty pagent your taking these little girls and telling them that they have to look better then all the other girls to "win" this is very much similar to life in general. Through the eyes of society you have to look good and thats all that matters and with that concept in mind every one is wearing a mask of illusion.  

  • Dying Angel: Most people start off good and on the right path but as time goes on you end up exposed to all the rotten things in life that can change a person. People end up as alcoholics, drug dealers some people become suicidal or just lose all morality. If life were to end at 10 everone would die good but since we have a longer timeline we live long enough to slowly decay until all our inner angels end up dead. Some people can make it through life unchanged but for the most part even the incorruptible can become corrupted.